Mr. & Mrs.Headless in LONDON

We have just arrived!!!

           Willie and Gala are the souls of both Headless characters. They are completely (umbrellas included) our own creation.

The protographer Thom Napper wrote: 
..." To the delight of these young twenty-first century tourists and with irreverent tongue firmly in cheek, these macabre headless costumes deliciously kaleidoscope our nation's gruesome history, from the Tower of London to Flanders Field."  ...I'm sorry. It's probably a bit pretentious but it does sort of express what I feel you capture in your wonderful costumes. The Tower of London was where all beheadings took place, when capital punishment was still in force and carried out using that method (said to be the least painful option available at the time). The poppies obviously represent the First World War. Flanders Field, which is short hand in our language for the First World War, is a phrase from a poem written in 1915 by a Canadian soldier, John McCrae, who eventually died of wounds received on the battlefield three years later in 1918. Tongue-in-cheek is an expression meaning light-hearted, humorous. You probably know all this already but whatever!

1 comentario:

  1. Hola chicos !!!!
    No tengo ni la más remota idea de si siguen usando éste blog !! Pero hoy estaba contando a mi hija nuestras hazañas por Londres, y los recordé. Quise mostrarles una foto de utds y pues los encontramos ❤️❤️❤️
    No sé si nos recordaran, yo soy Alice, haciamos estatuas vivientes doradas con Johann en Southbank, y utds nos sacaron varias fotos una noche ❤️
    No recordaba sus nombres, pero cuando leí Guille y Gala lo supe de inmediato jajajajaja. Un fuerte abrazo !!!
